Training Programs

Inclusive Leadership Workshop

In this signature interactive workshop, participants become more energized, aware, and confident in their ability to build more inclusion at work by learning and applying the Six C’s of Inclusive Leadership (Collaboration, Cognizance, Curiosity, Cultural Competence, Courage, and Commitment)  as developed by Deloitte Australia.  Session length options include 2, 3, and 3.5 hours (virtual and in-person options available).

Inclusive Leadership Journey

The purpose is to allow for an extended learning experience about about how to develop leadership traits that create an inclusive culture in which all people have a deep sense of belonging and engagement. Using the Six C’s described above, our purpose is to lead to a deeper understanding of how these dynamics impact the business and most importantly, what they can do as leaders to transform the conversation about inclusion within your organization and with your customers and stakeholders. The program includes assignments and small group (learning circles) tools to apply the learning in between sessions. Session length is two half-days (virtual and in-person sessions available).

Addressing Microbehaviors

Microaggressions are only one part of the equation. This instructor-led workshop explores how microbehaviors can lead to a climate of mistrust and exclusion that negatively impacts individual and organizational performance.  Participants will practice communication strategies to repair as well as prevent any harm that might occur from these exchanges and discover their own way to contribute to a strong and inclusive organizational culture. Session length options include 2 and 2.5 hours (virtual and in-person options available).

Mitigating Bias

In this engaging and highly interactive workshop, participants will explore the power of the unconscious mind.  We will look at the social, neuro and cognitive science research behind bias:  why and how it happens, and what we can do to assure that we are not being driven by unconscious beliefs and patterns that hinder a truly inclusive and equitable workplace. Session length options include 90 minutes (virtual only), and 2 hours (in-person).

Strengthening Your Intercultural Competence

This highly interactive workshop offers participants practical insights and hands-on activities to enhance their ability to recognize cultural nuances in professional settings. By applying the “3 Be’s” for Strengthening Intercultural Competence—Be Aware, Be Curious, and Be Open—to customized situations, participants will expand their awareness, deepen their knowledge base, and practice compassionate communication that respects diverse beliefs, values, and practices of all individuals. Session length options include 60 and 90 minutes.

Compassionate Leadership During Turbulent Times

Smart leaders need to manage a workforce triggered by an increasingly unpredictable world. Consistent stress can become chronic and lead to anxiety and depression which decreases our ability to be resourceful, open, and logical.  And while you cannot control what is unpredictable, you can create a predictable culture of connection that will help people survive and be productive in these difficult times. In this interactive workshop, participants will learn how the brain reacts under stress, how our backgrounds impact our reactions, then how to build on their strengths to apply 7 Compassionate Leadership Strategies to their teams. Session length is 2 hours (virtual and in-person options available).

Cultivating Inclusion in the Workplace

Using applied theatre techniques during this interactive workshop, participants will explore how unconscious bias and microaggressions can contaiminate our work environment and create a climate of mistrust and exclusion. Best practices show that when employees are feeling seen, heard, valued, and connected to each other, both morale and job performance increase. Session length options include 2 and 3 hours (virtual sessions only).

Culturally Conscious & Caring Customer Service

Studies in human behavior show that all people are hardwired to have bias. In this session, we will explore how our cultural frame of reference sets the context for the biases that shape how we interact with others. During this energetic and creative learning lab we will practice ways to best serve a diverse customer base with culturally conscious and caring customer service skills. Session length is 2 hours (virtual and in-person options available).

Explore Your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Journey

In this workshop, participants put to life the significant events and/or people that have influenced them and how these issues currently show up in their lives and impact their sense of freedom.  Participants leave being better equipped to recognize when their identity frame with its sense of values, expectations, and safety responses is serving or not serving how they want to operate in the world. Session length options include 2 and 3 hours (virtual and in-person sessions available).

Mentoring Across Difference

This interactive workshop introduces participants to the PAR method of mentoring an individual with a different background.  We use creative methods to explore the impact of power, advancement, and relationship in mentoring, to consider strategies for protégés, and to develop personal actions to build their PAR muscles. Session length is 2 hours (virtual and in-person options available).

Digital Supplemental Learning


Purposeful Creativity MethodsSM meets technology!  Through this supplement to our training programs, participants will reinforce the program’s major concepts while doing an interactive deeper dive into specific subject areas using messaging apps on their phones.  In just 5 minutes a day, participants will build deeper insight and skills via SMS, WhatsApp, Slack, Teams, or email over a predetermined period after the training program has concluded.

Playback Theatre

TownHall Playback Theatre Experience

In a Playback Theatre Experience, people learn how to effectively collaborate by deeply understanding each other’s point of view through telling and listening to each other’s real-life stories. Playback Builds Community (click for video of how Playback works). It is highly effective in eliminating the “us-them” mentality that separates people along lines of race, class, ethnicity, and background and is therefore a critical component in building insight, collaboration, and innovation. During a Playback virtual performance, someone tells a story from the group about their life and then chooses cast members to play the significant characters in the story. The conductor guides the ‘teller’ through the storytelling process. After the story is told, it is immediately recreated and given artistic shape and coherence by a cast of seasoned actors and musicians. Playback session length is 2 to 3 hours (virtual and in-person options available).

Stepping into My Shoes- Playback Workshop

Although not an acting workshop, this method uses right-brain methods to help participants sort through some of the feelings and thoughts, truths, and mysteries of their professional and personal lives on the road to developing successful living strategies. Participants will activate their intuition for reading others, unleash their creative impulses for finding innovative strategies, practice being their authentic selves in all situations, and strengthen their ability to adapt to unpredictable circumstances. Session length options include 1.5 or 3 hours (in-person sessions only).

Strategic Consultation

We work with clients where they are on their Diversity Journey. Whether it is partnering with your executives, strengthening your strategic plan or invigorating your Diversity Council, we lock hands with you to build sustainable solutions. 

Focus Groups

To better understand the current state of DEIA in the organization, and to inform the customization of specialized sessions or larger program rollouts, we recommend gathering qualitative data through focus groups.  For the most effective engagement, focus groups are limited to 10 people. We work with the organization’s DEIA team to structure groups according to various demographics such as ethnic/racial identity, sexual orientation/gender identity, career level, etc.  Session length is 60-90 minutes. (virtual sessions only).

Community Strategy Lab

We compile data from the focus groups, surveys, and other sources and work with key stakeholders to create more alignment, passion, and commitment for your organization’s DEIA focus.  Stakeholder groups will work collaboratively to identify the top pressing concerns, objectives, goals, and strategies the organization should undertake. This training is conducted over two half-day sessions (virtual and in-person options available).

Instructional Design

Looking for ways to make your trainings stand out?  We will collaborate with you to bring a little creative sizzle to any learning objective.