Playback Theatre

TownHall Playback Theatre Experience

In a Playback Theatre Experience, people learn how to effectively collaborate by deeply understanding each other’s point of view through telling and listening to each other’s real-life stories. Playback Builds Community (click for video of how Playback works). It is highly effective in eliminating the “us-them” mentality that separates people along lines of race, class, ethnicity, and background and is therefore a critical component in building insight, collaboration, and innovation. During a Playback virtual performance, someone tells a story from the group about their life and then chooses cast members to play the significant characters in the story. The conductor guides the ‘teller’ through the storytelling process. After the story is told, it is immediately recreated and given artistic shape and coherence by a cast of seasoned actors and musicians. Playback session length is 2 to 3 hours.

Stepping into My Shoes- Playback Workshop

Although not an acting workshop, this method uses right-brain methods to help participants sort through some of the feelings and thoughts, truths, and mysteries of their professional and personal lives on the road to developing successful living strategies. Participants will activate their intuition for reading others, unleash their creative impulses for finding innovative strategies, practice being their authentic selves in all situations, and strengthen their ability to adapt to unpredictable circumstances. Session length options include 1.5 or 3 hours (in-person sessions only).

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