Kamvelihle Buwa is an honors student and a payback theatre practitioner for the Meqoqo Collective. They are excited to attend IPTN 2023 and look forward to meeting people from all backgrounds who play an important role in the Playback and theatre communities. They note that participation in the conference will be a great learning experience to listen and engage with various methods and ways of practicing playback. Kamvelihle loves engaging with individuals from all walks of life.
Asakhe Cuntsulana
Masego Madisha is an honors Applied Theatre student and a valuable member of MEQOQO, the Playback Collective. Masego hopes to gain knowledge on how specifically to decolonize playback theatre to apply in the future. They wish that attendance to this conference builds on their skills as a playbacker and can learn how to fulfill different roles. Masego noted that they first got involved in theatre as a fun hobby and never previously anticipated creating a career out of it.
Noluvuyo Nine Magagula graduated from Rhodes University in 2022 with a degree in Drama. Noluvuyo is an actress, physical theatre performer, playback facilitator, and an overall arts enthusiast dedicated to learning new things. They are looking forward to this conference to learning more about playback with fresh eyes and ears.
Lethabo Makeya is an honors student and passionate about playback theatre. They hope to learn more as they are a student developing a passion for the arts. An extroverted introvert, Lethabo notes that Applied theatre and playback have played fundamental roles in their communities.
Khanya (Sydney) Nzanga is a master’s student in Applied Theatre and is looking forward to participating in the IPTN 2023 conference. Khanya notes that they have directed four plays and have gone to a National Arts Festival, two of which presented them with a Standard Bank Ovation Award.