Tip #2: Ask Better Questions – Approach conversations with curiosity and openness.

“Assumptions are the termites of relationships.” – Henry Winkler

Bridge Leader Tip #2 dives into the art of asking better questions—a critical step in fostering trust, engagement, and meaningful collaboration. By honing your curiosity and practicing active listening, you’ll not only bridge gaps but also strengthen the connections that make your leadership bridge even stronger. Let’s dive in.

Great leadership starts with curiosity. A Bridge Leader emphasizes asking thoughtful, open-ended questions to foster trust, innovation, and engagement within the team. Instead of making assumptions about what others are thinking, focus on asking questions that invite authentic input and demonstrate genuine interest.

A 2023 article in Forbes, “The Importance Of Listening For Organizational Success,” highlights the powerful impact of active listening. Research cited in the article shows that employees who feel heard are 4.6 times more likely to perform at their best. Conversely, ineffective communication costs U.S. businesses an estimated $1.2 trillion annually, according to a 2022 report by Grammarly and The Harris Poll.

Unfortunately, poorly framed questions can undermine curiosity and trust. For instance:

  • “Don’t you think this approach is the best way to handle it?”
  • “You’re fine with how we’re handling this, right?”

These questions imply a desire for confirmation rather than genuine input.

Instead, try using Bridge Leader Questions like these:

  • “How do you feel about this approach?”
  • “Can you share more about what’s on your mind?”
  • “What unique perspective can you bring to this challenge?”
  • “I appreciate your perspective—it adds depth to the conversation. Can you expand on that idea?”

By asking better questions and truly listening to the responses, you’ll be a Bridge Leader who creates a culture where everyone feels valued, heard, and motivated to contribute.

  • Reflection Question:
    How often do you purposefully experiment with new ways to ask questions that spark curiosity and inspire deeper dialogue?
  • Action Step:
    In your next team interaction, use a creative method to approach questions differently. For instance, instead of starting with a traditional question, use a metaphor or scenario to spark imaginative responses, like, “If this project were a bridge, what kind of traffic do you think it would need to handle?” Listen fully and see where the conversation goes.

This week, we focused on the power of asking better questions. Next week, we’ll build on that foundation with Tip #3: Give People Space to Share. See you soon.

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